Marlee Maynard

The Story of Stephen

After many mornings spent in Acts 6-7, Stephen’s life has taught me what it means to commit to our roles, call on our creator, embrace our suffering, and live in obedience.

Marlee Maynard
The Story of Stephen
Marlee Maynard

Dear Younger Me, The World is Bigger Than You.

At some point in your life, you have likely stood in the mirror and been dissatisfied by the way you look. Body image issues are relatable for just about all of us, but we weren't born to care THAT much about how we look.

Marlee Maynard
Dear Younger Me, The World is Bigger Than You.
Marlee Maynard

Unlock Your Joy

Winfred Gallagher, a behavioral science writer, made a connection between happiness and attention. She didn't make this connection after achieving awards or landing big job offers. She actually stumbled upon the connection after she was diagnosed with cancer. She recognized that she improved her quality of life by choosing to direct her attention.

Marlee Maynard
Unlock Your Joy
Marlee Maynard


As I enter adulthood I'm quick to notice that though there is wisdom in being secure there is so much danger in finding comfort and confidence and what we do instead of who we are.

Marlee Maynard
Marlee Maynard

Baking Shows + Life in Your 20's

There's a reason we don't fast-forward baking shows to the end.

Marlee Maynard
Baking Shows + Life in Your 20's
Marlee MaynardComment

To Our Younger Selves,

Several weeks ago I posted on Instagram and asked my friends what they wish they could go back and tell their younger selves. I was expecting a couple of responses, but I ended up getting over 100. It is amazing the similar lessons we wish we could go back and learn, but because we can’t, but hopefully you can. Here’s what they said…

Marlee MaynardComment
To Our Younger Selves,
Marlee Maynard

21 Lessons From My 21st Year

I am a big believer in sharing what we wish we would’ve known so people coming after us can know. In line with that belief, I came up with 21 statements of lessons I’ve learned this year. Some were new lessons, some are lessons I have had to learn over, and over, and over again. Regardless, I hope you can learn something too.

Marlee Maynard
21 Lessons From My 21st Year
Marlee Maynard

Count it All Joy

My sister and I were so excited to go explore downtown Nashville! Neither of us had ever been, and we packed cute fall outfits specifically for this day.

Marlee Maynard
Count it All Joy
Marlee Maynard

When We Forget, He Reminds Us

He took a situation that appeared hopeless and blessed you through it more than you could imagine.

Marlee Maynard
When We Forget, He Reminds Us
Marlee Maynard

What is Success REALLLY?

I’m learning that we HAVE to define success for ourselves, because if we don’t, we’ll fall victim to living a life we weren’t intended to live spent trying to gain approval from those around us.

Marlee Maynard
What is Success REALLLY?
Marlee Maynard

Suffering Well

Even in the dark places of life we want to keep avoiding, there are lessons to be learned there.

Marlee Maynard
Suffering Well
Marlee Maynard

God is NEVER Doing Nothing

Your current circumstance is not an end, it is a means.

Marlee Maynard
God is NEVER Doing Nothing
Marlee Maynard

Beauty from Ashes

Ironic isn’t it? That something so dirty would give way to something so great?

Marlee Maynard
Beauty from Ashes
Marlee Maynard

2020 Wrapped

It’s almost the end of 2020 and I thought I’d drop a little year in review of things I have been loving this year.

Marlee Maynard
2020 Wrapped
Marlee Maynard

Winter Blues, You are not Welcome Here.

You were meant for more than the season you’re currently in. The winter blues will knock you down if you don’t stand up to them. If you look for excuses to not surround yourself with good people, you will certainly find them. Rid yourself of loneliness by seeking good friendship.

Marlee Maynard
Winter Blues, You are not Welcome Here.
Marlee Maynard

Stewards Not Owners

When you feel led to lay something down at God’s feet, just remember you were never an owner of it.

Marlee Maynard
Stewards Not Owners
Marlee Maynard

3 Things I Wish I Would've Known Before College

Welcoming all incoming college freshman. First off, I’m sorry that you were unable to finish your year like you thought. I’m sorry you didn’t get to soak in the last moments you were looking forward to. But, I am also super excited for your next steps.

Marlee Maynard
3 Things I Wish I Would've Known Before College
Marlee Maynard

Guide To Your Gram

A one time $12.00 investment in yourself so you can share endless value with others.

Marlee Maynard
Guide To Your Gram
Marlee Maynard

5 Things I do to Overcome an Inspiration Rut

I consider myself creative for the most part and I love trying new things. However, sometimes I just feel like the creativity flow stops and I am just aimlessly wandering about life day to day. I’m sure you feel that way too sometimes. After receiving some instagram messages and texts, I learned a lot of friends get this way too. SO, college students, high school students, employees, leaders HOW do we overcome this inspirational rut?!

Marlee Maynard
5 Things I do to Overcome an Inspiration Rut
Marlee Maynard

DEFEATING Thoughts of Comparison & Competition

Comparison is something we can not settle to be okay with. It will affect the way we lead our lives, our friendships and ultimately our hearts!

Marlee Maynard
DEFEATING Thoughts of Comparison & Competition

Creating Habits: 3 Things to Think About

Oftentimes we don’t end up sticking with our habits because we aren’t realistic about how we plan to implement them. We want to go from wheezing at a mile to running a marathon overnight and by day 4 we give up. (Trust me, I’ve tried to train for a marathon before). When it comes to choosing our habits, there are three things we need to keep in mind:

Creating Habits: 3 Things to Think About
Marlee Maynard

How to Navigate Home Workouts

Let’s paint a picture; The Coronavirus has you all cooped up in your house. You are working from home, you are eating your meals at home, and (hopefully) you are working out at home. You are missing the gym and your normal routine. Unsure of what to do with starting a workout routine at home, you search the internet. Suddenly all these girls who look like gymshark models are sharing their guides, plans, and their “own” at home routines.

Marlee Maynard
How to Navigate Home Workouts