I believed the lie that it was up to me.
As I enter adulthood I'm quick to notice that though there is wisdom in being secure there is so much danger in finding comfort and confidence and what we do instead of who we are.
Putting all the eggs in the basket of what we do makes us think the world can't go on without us. That's it's up to our ability, our strength, our power to save someone or something. Pretty soon we can't escape our long days and long lists because "if we don't show up who will."
What started as humility to steward often ends up in pride to strive.
God has entrusted us with our professions, our passions, and our possessions to bring glory to his name and bring good to those around us.
As a 20 something just tapping into stewarding what I have, I realize how easy it is to shift my mindset from "God gave me this" to "This is mine."
In daily life, it often translates to always having a plan B if God doesn't come through. It looks like always have something to fall back on just in case what I'm praying for doesn't come to life. It’s the idol I actually depend on. All the while resting on my own strength but slapping Jesus over it and calling it faith.
But it’s not up to me.
Good news: THAT TRUTH IS NOT DISSAPOINTING, but it’s actually a HUGE relief. We are not the heroes of the story, but how sweet it is that we get to play a part.
The lives of other people are not in our hands.
The success we have is not for us alone.
It is entrusted to us, but it is not all up to us.
It doesn’t rest on us, it rests on God.
God does more with what we give up to him than what we hold on to because God is working even when we can't see him. This is the epitome of trusting God to come through like he's the only thing we have to depend on.
After all, how can we be faithful people if we don't choose to act in faithful ways?
Marlee Maynard