Winter Blues, You are not Welcome Here.
Loneliness. It’s a hard path to walk down. In the book of Ecclesiastes we learn, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”
It sounds good right? But if you’re anything like me, being alone can just be easier. But the easy path doesn't always lead to the best places, even for our mindset. So many times we tell ourselves we’re lonely because we chose to not surround yourself with people. In turn, we create our own loneliness over and over again. Listen to me when I say, The enemy can influence you where he can isolate you. He wants you to feel alone. He wants you to have spiraling negative thoughts. Will you let him?
You were meant for more than the season you’re currently in. The winter blues will knock you down if you don’t stand up to them. If you look for excuses to not surround yourself with good people, you will certainly find them. Rid yourself of loneliness by seeking good friendship.
We pass so many people in a day. We scroll through so many posts in a day. We think everyone has it together, but it only takes a few meaningful conversations to realize we don’t, none of us do. In that collective similarity, I have found a breakthrough. We are all here and we are all struggling. Your struggles are not less hard because they are different than your neighbors.
It’s a beautiful thing to walk beside someone and be able to lean on each other, to pick them up and to let them carry you too. Find friends that will love you recklessly, will accept your past, and will not portray you as a project, but will pray you into the future. Jesus knows what’s going on in your life, but he didn’t die on the cross for you to bear it alone.
Think about it: It wasn’t until I stopped chasing friends that I realized I didn’t have to work to find them. It is nearly impossible to find true friends when you are trying to be someone you aren’t. Because they are only drawn to the version of yourself you want to be, not the version of yourself that you were made to be. Eventually, you spend your whole life just trying to fit in with them. Be yourself. Like minded people will be attracted to you. Real friends don’t want to make you feel alone, they want to make you feel known.