After many mornings spent in Acts 6-7, Stephen’s life has taught me what it means to commit to our roles, call on our creator, embrace our suffering, and live in obedience.
At some point in your life, you have likely stood in the mirror and been dissatisfied by the way you look. Body image issues are relatable for just about all of us, but we weren't born to care THAT much about how we look.
Winfred Gallagher, a behavioral science writer, made a connection between happiness and attention. She didn't make this connection after achieving awards or landing big job offers. She actually stumbled upon the connection after she was diagnosed with cancer. She recognized that she improved her quality of life by choosing to direct her attention.
As I enter adulthood I'm quick to notice that though there is wisdom in being secure there is so much danger in finding comfort and confidence and what we do instead of who we are.
I am a big believer in sharing what we wish we would’ve known so people coming after us can know. In line with that belief, I came up with 21 statements of lessons I’ve learned this year. Some were new lessons, some are lessons I have had to learn over, and over, and over again. Regardless, I hope you can learn something too.
My sister and I were so excited to go explore downtown Nashville! Neither of us had ever been, and we packed cute fall outfits specifically for this day.
He took a situation that appeared hopeless and blessed you through it more than you could imagine.
I’m learning that we HAVE to define success for ourselves, because if we don’t, we’ll fall victim to living a life we weren’t intended to live spent trying to gain approval from those around us.
Several weeks ago I posted on Instagram and asked my friends what they wish they could go back and tell their younger selves. I was expecting a couple of responses, but I ended up getting over 100. It is amazing the similar lessons we wish we could go back and learn, but because we can’t, but hopefully you can. Here’s what they said…