Marlee Maynard

Girl, Be Where Your Feet Are.

Marlee Maynard
Girl, Be Where Your Feet Are.

So many things I want to say to you. Teenage girl who is trying to have it figured out on all fronts. First the major, then the instagram theme, then the outfit, but don’t forget the plans on the weekends, the girls you want to hangout with and the boy that you want or that you can’t decide on. Girl who feels like she’s behind or somehow not enough because she’s standing next to girls that do have the instagram theme, the career plan and the relationship that has been sparking since the 8th grade. 

I want to tell you first and foremost that you are not behind. Although you may feel like society has set a timeline of when you have to start dating, get an internship, start your job or find your niche it’s not true. In fact everyone is on a completely different timeline than the girl beside them and we have to be entirely okay with that. I have spent the last few months feeling the pressure to prove myself to be a girl who knows exactly what she’s going after. But I don't. And I’m learning to be okay with that. 

Wherever you are in the big scheme of life. Whichever girl you relate with, you are right on track to where you are headed. So please don’t spend your days picking yourself apart in the mirror. Please don’t spend your extra time thinking about all the things you could’ve done differently. Please don’t be jealous of girls who have what you want. Because when we spend our time chasing things that weren’t meant for us, we miss out on the opportunities that are right in front of us. I started living by this quote, “Be where your feet are.” Not only does that mean being present in the moment and paying attention to the people around you. But truly be in the season of life that you are in.

If you’re the single girl, don’t spend that joyous season wishing it away. Spend time with other girls, spend time investing in those around you. Find the love of your life instead of wishing for the love of your life. 

If you’re the girl who is sitting at home while everyone else seems to be on a side hustle or working toward careers, embrace it. Take time to discover what you truly love doing or who you love being around. Sometimes we have to find our passions before we discover our purpose. 

If you’re the girl that has a million “friends,” but no true best friends, look for them. Don’t get stuck running with the crowd that you can’t be yourself with, even if they are convenient or close in proximity. Find people that share your passions, take them to coffee even if you’re nervous it will be awkward (and most likely the first time it will be)! Seek a circle that brings you value not just weekend plans. 

You were meant for more than the season you’re currently in. But sister you better put your pants on and show up for this season while you’re there. I’m telling you if you look for excuses to not do what you love or chase after what you want, you will find excuses. Excuses will never go away. You have it in you to rid yourself of anything that isn’t growing you and seek what will build you up. I believe in you, I really do.