Marlee Maynard

Creativity Ruts

Marlee Maynard
Creativity Ruts

Sometimes I just feel stuck in a rut!

I consider myself creative for the most part and I love trying new things. However, sometimes I just feel like the creativity flow stops and I am just aimlessly wandering about life day to day.

I’m sure you feel that way too sometimes. I especially get that way when I am at school and I feel like I’m constantly looking toward the next assignment. If I’m not doing school work I am working or hanging with friends which leaves very little room for personal creativity.

After receiving some instagram messages and texts, I learned a lot of friends get this way too. SO, college students, high school students, working parents, HOW do we overcome this inspirational rut?!

I think it all starts with devoting time to yourself, which is easier said than done. Maybe it’s waking up earlier, or maybe it’s putting your phone away to save time when you’re doing other things. Whatever it is, make room for yourself to do something you love. For me it’s talking to ya’ll or creating content. I’ve learned I am most inspired when I am near the water, around great people or creating something new. For you it may be entirely different!

Whether it’s reading a book, lifting weights, laying on the couch or playing video games, make time to do those things. BUT, don’t forget to also try NEW things! It will ignite a creative spark in you, it will allow you to see the world from a different perspective.

1. Manage your time

2. Do what you love at least once a week - if you don’t know what that is, experiment.

3. Try something new often

4. Reflect on your days

5. Watch a ted talk or listen to a podcast - ONCE a week

If you’re feeling slow, reevaluate your life. Your goals, plans, passions. Making a list of goals and sticking to them everyday will help you. Put it on a sticky note and stick it by your light switch. Look at it everyday and let it be a reminder to you to keep creating. Keep being inspired.

Love ya most
